Friday, November 15, 2013

How Much Should I Charge For A Party For Beginner DJ's By THE DJ ADVISER

The most common question is I am just starting out, but I got a call to do a party and I don't know what to charge. So here s a few tips to help you with this problem.

So before quoting a price think of it this way. The more you charge the better the show has to be! So if you are starting out it should be low on your price with as many extras you can do to compensate for the lack of experience and skill set. Just keep in mind too low means your cutting yourself short and too much means you better be able to deliver!

Now always charge enough to cover your expenses. Then know what a reasonable DJ is charging that people have used before. Ask your friends and family to get the pricing they have paid before and if they ask it is so you can get a gauge of what you should be charging .  If they normally pay $500 per party you should be half so $250 should be your price. Especially if this is some of your first jobs. Price is a major factor when people book jobs so always charge low because you are an unknown and you can always raise your price after a few gigs to still stay below the other dj's pricing until you can meet or exceed the type of quality that they can provide.

As a DJ I really don't mind loosing a job to a DJ starting out unless they are charging well above there skill set. You need to be competitive, but understand your time is money. If you are starting out and you quote that $250 and you feel you did good and can charge more for the next party it is OK to go up another $50 and keep going up until you get to the price that people will not pay. Determining a price for experienced dj's is a challenge. You need to get  as much as the show you put on is worth. Just never forget your time is money and make sure you think like a customer.

I would love to hear from other DJ's about this subject so please post your comment below.

Thank You,

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